Why does Felicity had to be goddamn so annoying?

Like seriously, she had to act like a baby ever since we broke up. Like wtf? Just leave me be, bitch.

She also keeps whining like, why's that supposed to be her problem? Like, she let me down in the worst way possible, and there's no way I'm forgiving her. She lets everyone down, never trust her. Ever.

Plus the stuttering? So annoying! That doesn't excuse HER dogshit communication.

DON'T EVEN GET ME STARTED ON THE PENIS SHIT ABOUT FELICITY. Like there's NO way I'm dating trans people. I'm okay with a person regardless of the gender, but you identifying as a man even though you're a woman is IDIOTIC. Plus, change genitals to normal ones as well!

update: i feel sorry now. i just called her, now she fell unconscious from the alcohol. she must be having a hard time moving on..