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my mom finally got me a new computer!!! now i don't have to grab my older sister's laptop for anything, teehee! unfortunately my computer ain't portable as hers :(
we're supposed to have a normal april fools day at school, but as i entered the building, i saw some jerks vandalizing someone's locker with trash and biodegradable waste... yuck. turns out it was Greg's locker! poor him. and during recess, the worst pranksters in the school came up with that infamous trick wherein there's an illusion which is... a person being cut in half in a box. y'know what the 2 people of the group did? they exchanged pants-... and when they performed the action, most teachers got shocked and some fainted, i don't blame them- it's the pranksters'.
it's Haven's birthday today! i wish her the best always!
shit, why does it have to be so hot?! i even had to eat 3 ice creams today! plus i had to turn on the air conditioner, but it just got too cold instantly. sigh..
i can hardly wait for halloween!! one of my favorite times of the year! i even invited my creative friend, Claire to help me with something radical to show to the youngsters!
accidentally pissed off one of my neighbouring schoolmates over a prank i pulled off, sorry! i thought a scam product prank would be funny for him, hehe..
EXAM'S NEAR DANG IT!! I even suck at cooking :'( but guys pretty PLKEASE PLEASE PLEASE WITH A CHERRY ON TOP pray to God for me, thank you!!
update (NOVEMBER 10 2007): IT'S OVER OMG, i'm so gonna fail cooking class and social studies...
they revealed our scores.. i got highest score on science again! And yeah, turns out i passed all exams unexpectedly- lol.
hey guys! i'm back! sorry for the long hiatus, got something heavy about my ex... but don't worry about it, it's christmas! by the way... i'm not going to post a lot of blogs from now on because i got a bit less motivated. cya!